Grow Deeper 🎨
B. Thom 2022
For our latest collection of casual crews with B. Thom Stevenson, the artist was inspired to use each sock as a vehicle to spread his own personal thoughts and ideas. As these concepts were therefore confined to the length of one foot (literally), it was necessary for B. Thom to compress his words for the sake of fit, resulting in often abstract designs. With this new collaboration set to launch this week, we caught up with this ever-prolific Punk & Poet for some further explanation on the meanings behind these cryptic woven words.
When you wear these socks, be confident and love with ease. Use the ritual of putting your socks on in the morning to center your perspective, focus your confidence and springboard positivity to bring into the world.
The Future Is Built by You
Create the world you want to live in.
Grow Deeper
The want for upward and outward mobility is natural and healthy. We often miss that the tallest trees have the deepest roots.Push yourself toGrow Deeper. Grow a deeper bond with your community. Grow a deeper knowledge about what you are passionate about. Grow a deeper understanding of yourself.
Avoid Deserts of Arid Speculation
Examine all gross generalizations and strive to be conscious of the unconscious, often knee-jerk prejudices that subtly guide our behavior.
Protect the Planet
Adopt an old dog, don’t kill spiders, and demand a climate neutral world.
Examine Your Perspective Daily
Be mindful of where you are focusing your attention, Anger and resentment are an addictive poison.
Light Your Own Fire
Stop asking permission. Make the things you want to make. You are the only one who gets to decide if your ideas are good enough. Start an art gallery in the trunk of your car. Shoot that feature film on your iPhone during your lunch break. Start a restaurant in your aunt’s backyard when she’s away on vacation. Include your friends and tell everyone about it.